Tuesday 7 July 2020

Top 10 Most Friendliest Cat Breeds

Every cat comes with its own distinct personality, which can always differ from the breed standard, but if you are looking for an extra-friendly feline than these cats could make the purrfect picks.

Top 10 Most Friendliest Cat Breeds



Top 10 Most Friendliest Cat Breeds

Top 10 Most Friendliest Cat Breeds

Love the easy-going, sweet and kind personality/desire of the Persian but badly want a kitty with more playful action? Then I'm pluperfect for you since I possess all the gentle loving loyalty of the Persian but with an active, playful edge.I even come with a shorter coat, which means you can spend more time playing with rather than grooming me. But unlike the other friendly cats on this list, I tend to shy away from the noisy, bustling activity so I may not be so friendly toward groups of strangers.


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